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Copper standing in Cedar Creek.

We are located in NW Iowa. Both Ron and myself are the third generation farmers on our respective sides. However, we do not live on either of our parent's or ancestor's farms but farm portions thereof.

English Shepherds have been part of my family as my grandparents, parents and I owned and grew up with them. Therefore, they are our only breed of dog. As devoted, working companions, they willingly help with all facets of our farm living.

Have had Katahdins for ten years and find this Breed of sheep just as they're noted to be.......very good mothers and easy to work with.

Buff Orpington, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Black Australorp, Buff Rock are our brown egg layers and our most controversial "Easter Egger" breed, Araucanas/Americanas add the pastel colored eggs.

This Spring (2015), we're not only expecting 2 more Dexter calves but another "Dexford" calf (Dexter / Hereford cross).

Hope you find this website enjoyable, informative and easy to navigate through.
Thank you for stopping by.

All images © 2000 - Present day, Peg Egertsen.
All rights reserved

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